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Technical Data Sheets
Xplolog Surface TDS

Xplolog Surface


Blast Alliance Full Xplolog Logger Full Full Colour 512 square

Updated: April 20, 2022

Product Description

Hole and deck data capture with real-time view, data analysis and custom reporting capabilities.

BME understands how important it is to capture accurate blasting information on the blast block. Xplolog gives Blast Engineers and Management access to real-time data. This enables them to make informed decisions critical for planning and managing block operations for accurate and efficient blast outcomes.

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Our Xplolog platform integrates with Blastmap software, allowing users to view, edit and sync planned and actual data captured to a cloud database. This integration of data allows you to use the powerful blasting simulation and prediction modules in Blastmap to further analyse and improve blast outcomes on real data.

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Primary Benefits

  • Increase productivity
  • Digitise manual and paper-based processes
  • Viewing real-time hole and deck information 
  • Accurate customer billing


  • Customised block list dashboard
  • Customised reporting
  • Options to view online or download or email custom reports
  • Easily draw a logline for hole data capturing to increase productivity
  • Cross-sectional hole view
  • Comparison table to view Design vs Actual
  • Auto-complete search functionality to find information easily
  • Blast file import wizard
  • Using colour and iconography to indicate hole and deck states

Guidelines for use

System Usage

The Xplolog system includes a mobile device for hole and deck data capturing and an online dashboard for data analysis and custom reporting that is making use of a cloud hosted database to securely store client data.

BME understands how important it is to capture accurate blasting information on the block. Providing blast engineers and management with real-time data enables them to make informed decisions that are critical to ensuring block operations are continuous as planned and ultimately deliver a successful blast outcome.

Safe Use

  • Never fight explosive fires
  • Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for first aid information.
  • All explosives must be transported and stored in accordance to relevant regulations.
  • All explosives are classified as dangerous goods and may cause damage to property, personal harm, or death, if not used correctly.
  • Always keep products away from sources of heat, sparks, flame or hot surfaces and avoid mixing with combustibles or incompatible materials.

In case of emergencies, click here to contact our team for assistance.


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Omnia disclaims all liability whatsoever, whether arising in contract, delict (including negligence) or otherwise in relation to the use of any products/solutions or services and all implied warranties, terms and conditions relating to the products/solutions or services (whether implied by statue, common law or otherwise), including (without limitation) any warranty, term or condition as to accuracy, completeness, satisfactory quality, performance, fitness for purpose or any special purpose, non-infringement, information accuracy, as between Omnia and you, are hereby excluded. Omnia specifically disclaims liability and will not be responsible for, any liability or damages, howsoever arising, resulting from the use or reliance upon the information in this document.

You assume sole responsibility for results obtained from the use of the products/solutions or services, and for conclusions drawn from such use.

© Omnia Group (Pty) Ltd

© Omnia Group (Pty) Ltd

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