Cruiser Charging Unit (CCU)

Product Description

BME’s Cruiser Charging Unit (CCU) is a compact charging system designed for Innovex emulsion formulations.Equipped with an MP2 pump and an Intelligent Control System, it leads in mechanised emulsion technology and enhances underground safety.

Primary Benefits

  • Robust design and build.
  • Corrosion-resistant tanks for improved operational life.
  • Single MP2 Pumping Configuration.
  • Emulsion tank is designed to ensure effective emulsion flow to minimise waste.
  • Integrated peripheral-, safety- and pumping control system tailored for underground production operations.
  • Cost-effective solution that offers excellent performance without necessitating a relatively large initial investment.


Pump Safety Features

  • Intrinsically Safe Pump Technology.
    • Safe in instances of Dry-running.
    • Safe in instances of Dead Heading.
  • Pressure Bursting Disc.
  • Failsafe Control System.
  • Emulsion high-pressure Trips.

Product Specifications

Pre-set Emulsion to gassing ratio, optimized for BME's Innovex UG Emulsions.

Emulsion Tank Capacity Up to 800 kg.
Sensitizer Tank Capacity Up to 60 L.
Water Tank Capacity Up to 60 L.
Pumping Rate 45 kg/min (Single Pump).
Drive System Hydraulic.

Guidelines For Use

Developed for underground development charging operations, where manoeuvrability of carrier vehicles are restricted.

Safe Use

  • Never fight explosive fires.
  • Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for first aid information.
  • All explosives must be transported and stored in accordance to relevant regulations.
  • All explosives are classified as dangerous goods and may cause damage to property, personal harm, or death, if not used correctly.
  • Always keep products away from sources of heat, sparks, flame or hot surfaces and avoid mixing with combustibles or incompatible materials.


In case of emergencies, click here to contact our team for assistance.


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We continuously update our technical data sheets to reflect the most current and accurate information based on the latest available data. As such, the information provided is subject to revision. We recommend regularly checking for updates to ensure you are accessing the most up-to-date technical details.

Updated: October 21, 2024
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    Cruiser Charging Unit (CCU)