Drones, 3D photos and GPS harnessed to fine-tune blast quality

It is well known that good blast design ensures an effective distribution of powder that improves blast results and reduces drilling and blasting costs. Now, through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones), global positioning systems (GPS) and three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetric software, the field of blast design has been taken another step forward.
Blast emulsions now fine-tuned to suit every purpose

Bulk emulsion explosives have come a long way since BME introduced double-salt – ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate (AN/CN) – cold emulsion products into South Africa over 30 years ago.
Record blast for AXXIS down under

In another record blast for BME’s AXXIS digital initiation system, Omnia Subsidiary Advanced Initiating Systems (AIS) successfully blasted 4,485 detonators in a coal mine in Australia’s north-eastern state of Queensland.
BME expertise to reduce blast vibrations for Singapore Rail Project

Umesh Chhika, general manager for Asia Pacific and strategic projects at BME, said the company has been engaged to provide electronic detonation systems and related technical advice to ensure low-vibration blasting in the 35 metre-deep box cut, from which three more rail tunnels will be developed.
Save the date for BME’s drill and blast conference

BME’s 23rd annual drilling and blasting conference is set to take place on the 12th of November 2015 at the CSIR in Pretoria.
Local economic development a priority for BME in Namibia

BME Namibia is building its local skills, technical capacity and supply chain to consolidate and grow its position in Namibia’s mining sector, according to Albie Visser, BME’s general manager for South Africa and Namibia.
On-site testing and emulsions solution for reactive ground

Rock that reacts with emulsion explosives can cause real headaches for blasting personnel, but BME’s double-edged solution allows customers to quickly identify reactive ground and apply the appropriate product.
BME expands into Indonesia

According to Umesh Chhika, BME’s general manager for Asia Pacific and strategic projects, Indonesia’s vast opencast coal industry still overwhelmingly uses ammonium nitrate and fuel oil – or ANFO – as its primary blasting medium.
Another BME blasting record in Zambia

Explosives leader BME has raised the bar with a record blast at Zambia’s Kansanshi mine in March, detonating 4,141 electronic delay detonation (EDDs) in a single blast in the operation’s north-west pit.
BME’s Refiloe Kekana #starpupil

28 year old Refiloe Kekana, a fully qualified mining engineer and explosives researcher at BME, is proving that women can make significant contributions towards the mining sector’s operational advancement – not only at boardroom level, but at the coal face.