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Function: Initiation

AXXIS CEBS Blasting Box

AXXIS CEBS Blasting Box

The AXXIS CEBS (central electronic blasting system) is the newest generation of AXXIS technology. The AXXIS CEBS electronic initiation system incorporates numerous handling, performance, and

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Viperdet MS

Viperdet MS is a non-electric millisecond delay detonator available with incremental delay times. Viperdet MS detonators are highly accurate and offer numerous initiation sequence options

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Viperdet SD

Viperdet Dual SD is a non-electric detonator comprised of a specific length of green shock tube with a high-strength in-hole delay detonator on one end

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Viperdet LP

Viperdet LP is a non-electric long-period delay detonator. Viperdet LP assemblies are precise and reliable. Units consist of a specific length of yellow shock tube

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Viperdet MS Dual

Viperdet MS Dual is a non-electric detonator assembly with a high strength in-hole detonator on one end and a low shrapnel surface detonator in a

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Viperdet Trunkline

Viperdet Trunkline assemblies consist of a specific length of shock tube with a low shrapnel millisecond delay detonator crimped to the one end and closed

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Viperdet MS Downline

Viperdet MS non-electric downline assemblies consist of a specific length of yellow shock tube, with a high-strength delay detonator crimped to one end and closed

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AXXIS Titanium Blasting Box

The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system is the newest generation of AXXIS technology. The system incorporates numerous handling, performance, and safety improvements built upon the

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