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AXXIS Titanium Logger

Titanium Logger

April 13, 2021

Product Description

The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system is the newest generation of AXXIS technology. The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system incorporates numerous handling, performance, and safety improvements built upon the highly successful AXXIS GII system.

The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system is comprised of four components:

53 Additional AXXIS Titanium Logger Square LR 02 01 1


The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system is designed for use in most general and specialized mining, quarrying, and construction blasting applications on the surface or underground. The AXXIS Titanium electronic initiation system passes ARP 1717-1: The South African National Standard for the design and approval of EDD initiation systems for mining and civil applications.

System Usage

AXXIS Titanium Loggers are robust, hand-held devices for the logging and testing of AXXIS Titanium Electronic Detonators. These mobile devices are manufactured by Trimble and have an AXXIS developed POD that docks onto the device. The POD contains the detonator communication circuit and this enables the logging and programming of AXXIS Titanium Electronic Detonators. The AXXIS Titanium Logger can read and write to the detonator’s non-volatile memory, test a single detonator, test multiple detonators and transfer the logged blast files to the AXXIS Titanium Blasting Box.

AXXIS Titanium Loggers are easy and convenient to handle. They operate on the Android operating system which facilitates the upload of history files, current logging activity, reporting applications and web pages.

In order to operate AXXIS Titanium Blasting Boxes (in Blaster Box mode) at blast firing time, one AXXIS Titanium Logger is configured and designated as the Key Logger. The Key Logger generates a one-time pin to configure the AXXIS Titanium Blasting Boxes (in Blaster Box mode). As a security measure, any AXXIS Titanium Blasting Boxes (in Blaster Box mode) that has not been configured for a blast and bound through the one-time pin on the Key Logger will not function for that blast. At the safe firing point, the Key Logger and the one-time pin is also required to arm the AXXIS Titanium Blasting Box (in Controller Box mode). Upon blast completion, all AXXIS Titanium Loggers and Blasting Boxes return to a neutral un-configured state.

AXXIS EDD technology has a proven track record of delivering mega blasts with thousands of detonators.

26 AXXIS Titanium Logger Option 2 01 LR
53 Additional AXXIS Titanium Logger Square LR 01
26 AXXIS Titanium Logger Option 1 01 LR

Logger Specifications

Column 1Column 2
Logging DeviceTrimble logger with AXXIS POD
Operating SystemAndroid 8.1
Screen Size635 mm (5 inches)
Resolution1280 x 720 pixels
User InterfaceColour Touch Screen
Functions Buttons
Stylus Enabled
Battery Lithum-ion
Battery Capacity 10.8 V
3200 mAh
35 Whr
POD Maximum Output9 volts
50 mA
Logger Mass0.845 kg
Maximum Detonators per Logger500 detonators per file
3000 detonators per shared logger
Maximum Detonators per Blasting Box in Blaster Box Mode1000 detonators
Maximum Blaster Boxes per Controller Box20 Blaster Boxes
Maximum Detonators per Blast 20 000 Detonators
Logger FunctionsLog Detonator UIDs
Program Detonator Firing times
Test 1 to 500 Detonators
Detonator CommunicationVia attached CAP
Read functionality
Program Functionality
Test Functionality
Blasting Box CommunicationBluetooth or Wired
QR Code Authentication
Testing FunctionsLine Current Consumption
Programmed / Not Programmed
Detonator Voltage
Harness Line Test for Missing Detonators
Harness Line Test for Intruder Detonator
Resistance to Electrostatic DischargeElectrostatic Discharge Immunity Test (+/- 8 kV contact, +/- 15 kV air)
Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity (+/- 2 kV)
Operating Temperature-30°C and +60°C
Storage Temperature-40°C and +70°C

Guidelines for Use

AXXIS Titanium Loggers may only be programmed, tested, and fired with AXXIS Titanium Electronic Delay Detonators and AXXIS Titanium Blasting Boxes. Do not attempt to program, test, or fire AXXIS Titanium Loggers with other blasting equipment. Never mix electronic delay detonators and/or components from different manufacturers.

AXXIS Titanium Loggers and Blasting Boxes need to be calibrated and serviced by BME qualified personnel or providers every 2 years.

Always use AXXIS Titanium harness wire to tie-in blasts. Do not substitute similar looking harness wire as the performance specifications may not be the same.

Although BME AXXIS Titanium cables are engineered and constructed for challenging work environments, care should still be exercised when loading and stemming to avoid cutting or damaging downlines.

Operating Temperature

The AXXIS Titanium Logger may be operated in temperatures from -30°C to a maximum of +60°C. If the application requires use outside of this temperature range please contact a BME Technical Representative for additional guidance.

Water, Dust, and Drop Shock Resistance

AXXIS Titanium EDDs Loggers are robust electronic instruments that are engineered to be water and dust resistant (IEC 60529 IP65 and IP68) and drop shock resistant (IEC 60069-2-32: 1975). AXXIS Titanium EDD Loggers are not waterproof. Do not submerge AXXIS Titanium EDD Loggers in water.


AXXIS Titanium Loggers are robust electronic instruments that need to be used, charged, and stored with care. The AXXIS Titanium Logger may be stored in temperatures from -40°C to a maximum of +70°C. Please consult with a BME Technical Representative for site specific guidance.

Safe Use

  • Never fight explosive fires.
  • Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for first aid.
  • All explosives must be transported and stored in accordance to relevant regulations.


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South Africa

Omnia Holdings, Building H:
Monte Circle Business Park
178 Montecasino Boulevard,
Fourways, Sandton, 2191

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