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Minor details,

major benefits!

30 years in the industry has taught us that small details have a major impact on your performance.

Tap the yellow icons to discover 10 benefits of the AXXIS detonator!

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The AXXIS connectors make it simple for you to log and test detonators, without the need to open the connector. The unique shape of the connector ensures your connection doesn’t get blocked = no delays or added maintenance.

The gel in the AXXIS connector creates a faultless seal and acts as a second layer of protection from dirt, oil and water – for uninterrupted use and seamless logging in real mining conditions.

The AXXIS connectors’ unique design enables you to extend your blast using a variety of wires to speed up your connection process.

Dual-conductors in AXXIS connectors spare you time and effort adding additional wires and connectors when wiring the network.

The dual-pin holes in the AXXIS connectors makes it simple for you to log and test, without the hassle of opening the connector.

AXXIS connectors reduce the number of wires needed for extending your network or installing fish-bone connections.

The rapid-release catch allows you to reverse your connection and insert wires from any direction to give you ultimate flexibility and control.

AXXIS connectors are round to make them strong and able to withstand real mining conditions.

With AXXIS, you never have to worry about breakages - even when trampled by heavy boots on the ground.

A specially-formulated gel inside the AXXIS connector reinforces your connections to protect you from excessive leakage and frustrating faults.

The AXXIS connector allows you to reverse your connection and insert wires from any direction, to give you ultimate flexibility and control.

An Insulation displacement terminal (IDC) terminal in every AXXIS connector means you’ll always have an excellent electrical contact.

AXXIS connectors are purposefully bigger in size, to offer you better handling.

AXXIS connectors are bigger in size - so it’s hassle-free for you to operate with mittens in cold weather or in underground environments.

Splicing is speedy with the AXXIS connector's side-positioned retention slots.

The accessible side-placement of the slots makes it quick and easy for you to place your buss-line.

AXXIS detonators are clearly colour-coded for you to easily distinguish between systems at-a-glance and protect you from preventable mistakes and mishaps.

image003AXXIS connectors incorporate a dual-hinge with a dual-component design.

They're specially-engineered to move independently, so that you always have an opening area to insert the buss-line.

A catch-lock mechanism in the AXXIS connector applies added force onto buss-line to hold the splice conductors into the tines, sparing you errors and costly down-time.

The catch-lock mechanism on AXXIS connectors only opens once you link to the wire.

The catch-lock joins components to reinforce your connection and securely holds the lid in place to protect you from leakage.

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Landing Page Animation 02.08.22 v3 gif

The AXXIS connectors make it simple for you to log and test detonators, without the need to open the connector. The unique shape of the connector ensures your connection doesn’t get blocked = no delays or added maintenance.

The gel in the AXXIS connector creates a faultless seal and acts as a second layer of protection from dirt, oil and water – for uninterrupted use and seamless logging in real mining conditions.

The AXXIS connectors’ unique design enables you to extend your blast using a variety of wires to speed up your connection process.

Dual-conductors in AXXIS connectors save you the time and effort of adding additional wires and connectors when wiring the network.

The dual-pin holes in the AXXIS connectors make it simple for you to log and test, without the hassle of opening the connector.

AXXIS connectors reduce the number of wires needed for extending your network or installing fish-bone connections.

The rapid-release catch allows you to reverse your connection and insert wires from any direction to give you ultimate flexibility and control.

AXXIS connectors are round to make them strong and able to withstand real mining conditions.

With AXXIS, you never have to worry about breakages - even when trampled by heavy boots on the ground.

A specially-formulated gel inside the AXXIS connector reinforces your connections to protect you from excessive leakage and frustrating faults.

The AXXIS connector allows you to reverse your connection and insert wires from any direction, to give you ultimate flexibility and control.

An Insulation displacement (IDC) terminal in every AXXIS connector means you’ll always have an excellent electrical contact.

AXXIS connectors are purposefully bigger in size, to offer you better handling.

AXXIS connectors are bigger in size - so it’s hassle-free for you to operate with mittens in cold weather or in underground environments.

Splicing is speedy with the AXXIS connector's side-positioned retention slots.

The accessible side-placement of the slots makes it quick and easy for you to place your buss-line.

AXXIS detonators are clearly colour-coded for you to easily distinguish between systems at-a-glance and protect you from preventable mistakes and mishaps.

image003AXXIS connectors incorporate a dual-hinge with a dual-component design.

They're specially engineered to move independently, so that you always have an opening area to insert the buss-line.

A catch-lock mechanism in the AXXIS connector applies added force onto the buss-line to hold the splice conductors in the tines, preventing errors and saving costly down-time.

The catch-lock mechanism on AXXIS connectors only opens once you link to the wire.

The catch-lock joins components to reinforce your connection and securely holds the lid in place to protect you from leakage.