Sustained safety focus earns BME zero case rate!

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After five years of steadily implementing its Safety for Life brand, Omnia Group company BME has successfully achieved one of its key safety targets – a zero recordable case rate (RCR) – for the year ending January 2023.

Secure supply, efficiency needed for mining growth

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As BME, we are always dealing with supply chain disruptions – caused by a range of factors from weak infrastructure to border efficiency. Our success in serving customers stems from ongoing investment in local infrastructure and skills, to strengthen local supply chains.

Safe, controlled blasting at Midrand office park

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As the latest generation electronic initiation system from blasting solutions provider BME, AXXIS Silver has once again proved its accuracy and flexibility in a controlled blast in a – high-density area.

Advanced blasting technology to boost mining sustainability


Building on the flexibility and accuracy of electronic detonation, digital blasting tools can assist in enhancing mines’ efficiency and reducing carbon emissions’, says blasting and explosives solutions provider BME MD Ralf Hennecke.

Culture, protocols key to blast safety on mines

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A recent global safety report for mining indicates a gradual but steady improvement in mine safety, with a total recordable injury (TRI) frequency rate at a low 2,90 – down from 5,07 just a decade ago.

Building a holistic decarbonisation strategy

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In the journey towards decarbonisation, the South African mining sector is taking its first steps toward renewable self-generation. What will need to follow is a more systematic and integrated approach that addresses the whole mining supply chain.

BME raises safety bar with high current detonator testing

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Blasting and explosive solutions provider, BME is once again pushing the boundaries of safety with its world-class initiation system, this time testing the resistance of its AXXIS Titanium electronic delay detonators (EDDs) to high current AC voltages.

Fresh projects are needed for mining to meet demand

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Times are good for the mining sector, but more exploration and mine development is vital if it is to keep up with future demand – for battery minerals in particular. With the focus now on minerals that can build a low-carbon future, Ralf Hennecke, Managing Director of Omnia Group company BME, has emphasized a commodity pipeline that is falling short.