Stemming Truck

Product Description

BME provides a stemming plant fitted on an Iveco 380 T42 WH 6×6 cab chassis or chassis specified by the customer.The stemming truck is capable of delivering 15 to 18 m³ (20 to 24 yd³) of crushed aggregate.


  • 600 mm (23.6 in) wide positive drive conveyor.
  • Custom length placing conveyor to reach either side of truck for stemming.
  • In-cab control system identical to BME bulk MMUs to control belts and positioning, on/off and amount of stemming to be discharged.
  • Joystick control of the placing conveyor, inside or outside mounted.
  • Water spray system to control dust.
  • A metering system that can determine how much stemming to put in the hole on a metered basis.
  • Zero waste of aggregate.
  • Four emergency stops located around vehicle.
  • Camera system on discharge conveyor and truck rear for positioning and monitoring.

Product Specifications

Stemming Truck

  • Closed-loop control system.
  • Variable discharge rate.
  • In-cab control system.
  • Joystick control for stemming conveyor.

Guidelines For Use

System Usage

All stemming trucks are designed to operate in demanding environments encountered during normal mining operations.


  • Design parameters to include all necessary safety control systems as well as ease of operation, maintenance, and reliability.
  • BME’s stemming trucks are SABS approved.
  • Complies with Bell Equipment Company South Africa (BECSA) Fatal Risk Company Protocol (FRCP).


Safe Use

  • Never fight explosive fires.
  • Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for first aid information.
  • All explosives must be transported and stored in accordance to relevant regulations.
  • All explosives are classified as dangerous goods and may cause damage to property, personal harm, or death, if not used correctly.
  • Always keep products away from sources of heat, sparks, flame or hot surfaces and avoid mixing with combustibles or incompatible materials.


In case of emergencies, click here to contact our team for assistance.


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You assume sole responsibility for results obtained from the use of the products/solutions or services, and for conclusions drawn from such use.

We continuously update our technical data sheets to reflect the most current and accurate information based on the latest available data. As such, the information provided is subject to revision. We recommend regularly checking for updates to ensure you are accessing the most up-to-date technical details.

Updated: October 13, 2024
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    Stemming Truck