Innovex RG Emulsion

Innovex RG Emulsion

SADC, South Africa, Zambia


Updated: May 4, 2022

Acidic Ground, Reactive Ground


Bulk Emulsion

Reactive Ground, Straight


Product Description

Innovex RG is a bulk pumped booster-sensitive gassed emulsion. Innovex RG is a dual salt emulsion formulated with reprocessed oil and alternative fuels, plus additional inhibiting salts and agents to retard exothermic reaction in sulphide bearing ground.

INNOVEX RG Gassed 02 square lr


Innovex RG is designed for blasting applications in open pit mines, quarries, and construction with wet or dry holes. It is specifically formulated for use in the presence of sulphide reactive ground.

Primary Benefits

The Innovex RG multiple salt formulation, in conjunction with other qualified initiation products and site specific procedures, form a system proven to be safe and reliable for blasting in sulphide reactive ground. Innovex RG may also be qualified for use in ground with elevated temperatures on a site specific basis. Innovex RG is a product demonstrated to generate very low levels of post blast NOx fume.

Technical Properties
Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7
PropertyUnitBase EmulsionGas Sensitized EmulsionGas Sensitized EmulsionGas Sensitized EmulsionGas Sensitized Emulsion
Cup Densityg/cm³1.46 to 1.50
Average In-Hole Densityg/cm³
Velocity of Detonationm/sec 5011520853985580
Relative Weight StrengthRWS 66697174
Relative Bulk StrengthRBS 9199107115
Bulk Energycal/g 688
Volumetric Energycal/cm³ 818
Minimum Hole Diametermm 64646464
Water Resistance ExcellentExcellentExcellentExcellent

Velocity of Detonation, Relative Weight and Bulk Strengths calculated using the IPX code at a density of 1.20 g/cm³ and a cut-off pressure of 100 MPa relative to ANFO at a density of 0.80 g/cm³.

Actual in field velocity of detonation will vary and is dependent on hole diameter and confinement.

Bulk and Volumetric Energies measurements made by underwater bubble energy tests at UTEC labs.

Guidelines for Use

Priming and Initiation
Column 1Column 2
Hole DiameterMinimum Cast Booster Mass
64 mm to 127 mm150 g
Greater than 127 mm400 g

Innovex RG is compatible with most non-electric and electronic detonator systems.

Consult with a BME Technical Specialist for application of Innovex RG with compatible priming and initiation products in the ground conditions characterized by elevated heat above 70°C.

Blasthole Charge Length, Hole Diameter and Density Relationships

Maximum hole depth depends on product selection, hole diameter, product densities, critical void space and the presence of water. Please contact a BME Technical Representative for additional guidance and site specific calculations using BME’s DensDepth program.

Ground Temperature

This product may be used in ground temperatures from 0° to a maximum of 70°C. If the application requires use outside this temperature range please contact a BME Technical Representative for additional guidance.

Reactive Ground

This product is specifically formulated for use in reactive ground. Reactive ground is typically characterised by the presence of sulphide mineralization. If the application requires use in known reactive ground, or in untested sulphide bearing ground, please contact a BME Technical Specialist for additional guidance.

Sleep Time

The safe loading window and in hole sleep time for Innovex RG is site specific. The site specific sleep time is determined by isothermal reactive ground testing at a BME laboratory. It is also dependent on factors such as hole diameter, density, ground water conditions and initiation system. Please consult with a BME Technical Representative for guidance.

UN Classification for Transportation and Storage

Product Classification of System Components
Authorised Name: INNOVEX RG – Base Emulsion
Classification: 5.1
UN Number: 3375

Authorised Name: INNOVEX – Sensitizing Agent
Classification: 5.1
UN Number: 3219

Product Classification of Finished Sensitized Explosive Product
Authorised Name: INNOVEX RG
Correct Shipping Name: EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING
Classification: 1.1D
UN Number: 0241

Safe Use

  • Never fight explosive fires
  • Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for first aid information.
  • All explosives must be transported and stored in accordance to relevant regulations.
  • All explosives are classified as dangerous goods and may cause damage to property, personal harm, or death, if not used correctly.
  • Always keep products away from sources of heat, sparks, flame or hot surfaces and avoid mixing with combustibles or incompatible materials.

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