0 RCR Competition: Competition Details emailer
For informing internal staff on how to enter the competition
0 RCR Competition: Setting up 0 RCR competition
Setting up final competition for going live
0 RCR Competition: Winners announcement emailers
Email template to announce winners and award prizes to internal staff
0 RCR Competition: Setting up 4 x winner emails
Including voucher alllocation for awarding multiple voucher codes to winners and instructions for sending.
BME Handover Proposal
Compiling presentation with breakdown and overview of options for handing over
0 RCR Competition: Closing competition, selecting winners and setting up winners page
Setting up competition winners announcement page
BME Brand Page
Setting up BME Brand Page, including logos, colours, fonts and latest Adverts, Banners and Mock Ups for the BME internal team to manage assets and provide files to suppliers.
Xplolog Media Release Post
Setting up post on site.
So much more from BME’s next-generation XplologMining solutions specialist BME has released a new version of its popular Xplolog system for capturing and analysing data on blast holes and decks.
Xplolog Social Media Posts Video 1
Setting up videos, text and cta and scheduling posts for BME Petromindo campaign.
Xplolog Social Media Posts Video 2
Data security, scalability, and user-friendliness – the new Xplolog has it all!
We worked closely with our users to make this upgrade a game-changer.
Click here to learn more >
#miningtechnology #dataanalysis #upgrade #Xplolog