300 x 50 px Banner

pq may pass 300 x 250 mobile static 64662dc08bb7854e656e4729

BME Digital Ads Pit and Quarry magazine, including rolling out content and graphics and providing click through to Lead Magnet.

Mining Weekly Banner Advert

Mining Weekly Generic Banner 728 x 90 px landscape June 23

Banner Advert designs for Mining Weekly, including rolling out content and graphics and providing click through to BME contact form.

Cover Page Advert

Mining Review Africa Cover Artwork 2 June 23 v1 1

Mining Review Africa Cover Page artwork, including strategizing approach and generating messaging. Cover artwork includes a QR code leading to a dedicated Omnia/BME contact form (see link) on the BME website. Analytics on the QR code provide details on the number and scans. This allows us to track and assess if this is a viable form of marketing for the budget spent. Track on the QR code and feedback form allow us to measure leads for calculating ROI.

Mock up Banner Advert

mining reviuew africa cover mock up jun 23

Mining Review Africa Cover Page artwork mock up, including setting up artwork in square format. This will be used as a banner advert on the Mining Review Website and newsletter.

Printed Double-Page Spread

bme jse dps feature mar 22 dark

Engineering News Printed Double-Page Spread.
AXXIS Titanium Benefits.QR code leading to website contact form.

Banner Advert

Mining Indaba 22 Web banner

Pit and Quarry Brand Leaderboard.Leading to Titanium Page on site

Printed Feature

Why Africa Printed Feature lr

Why Africa Roadtrip Edition: Full Page Advert with QR code leading to contact form