World record electronic detonator blast achieved in Queensland
Another world record for BME.
A mobile device for hole and deck data capturing
Online dashboard for data analysis and custom reporting
A mobile device for hole and deck data capturing
Data collected on-site through the Logger device can be used with BME's Blastmap blast simulation and prediction modules, to analyze and improve blast outcomes based on accurate data.
Mobile phone or tablet device options available.
Comment on block, hole and deck level to provide more information if required.
List-view of all blocks in progress with a variety of block sorting options and pin-to-top functionality.
Select ALL layers or a specific activity layer, e.g. Drilling only.
Set tolerances across the activities in the blast design file.
Create a logline for faster capturing.
Block summary view of pre-blast status on a selected block and a graphical block design representation of hole positions indicating hole statuses like over and under drilled, charged and stemmed.
Recording of actual dipping (incl. first dipped), priming, charging, top up and stemming values while displaying the original planned value with the deviation to the user.
Real-time data syncing to a cloud-hosted database over GSM or Wi-Fi.
Display the status whether a hole or deck is correctly, over or under drilled, charged or stemmed.
Leverage cloud-computing to recalculate values when actual data deviates from planned values.
Add and delete unplanned holes to a designed blast.
Block search functionality.
Online dashboard for data analysis and custom reporting
Import design data from any blast design software through the import wizard.
Real-time view and monitoring of the block progress.
Block list view with real-time progress indicators for each block. Customise the columns you would like to see in your block list view.
Quick overview dashboard on each block to view in real-time holes and decks progress.
Graphical view of the block with legend to indicate different hole and deck states for dipping, priming, charging, top up and stemming.
Showing alerts and action required per hole and deck for pro-active correction.
Access to accurate charging information for invoicing and auditing.
View online or download predefined or custom reports.
Another world record for BME.
As mining companies increasingly look to new technologies to improve their productivity, they are starting to think differently about how they approach digitisation and automation.
Getting real-time data from a blast block during drilling, charging and stemming operations is difficult with traditional manual reporting systems – but BME’s XPLOLOG system has changed all that.